Today, I added over 600 words to my new WIP and I'm excited to see how this cozy mystery will unfold. It feels good to get back to writing again.

I began my journey as an artisan of words and have spent many years honing my craft in poetry, prose, and daily inspirational quotes. Eventually, I began drafting short stories and fell in love with the process of creating narratives inspired by images that stirred my soul. This passion propelled me to write my first manuscript, which took many years to develop. After gathering the courage to publish it, I finally did so in 2023 with my debut novel The Bellerose of Lakewood and Kindred Spirits quickly followed. In October 2024 I completed the last book Steeped In Love, of The White Rock Lake Trilogy.

The inspiration for this series is deeply rooted in my connections to Dallas, Texas, and the rich history of White Rock Lake. Originally, in the early 1900s, the lake was intended to serve as a primary water source for the area. Damming up White Rock Creek flooded the bottomlands where early settlers once hunted buffalo, creating an ideal location for the lake. However, as the population in Dallas surged and outgrew this water supply, larger reservoirs were developed in neighboring cities, relegating White Rock Lake to primarily recreational use.

When I’m not writing, developing/updating my website (, or interacting with my followers on Facebook (Lindsey Lavon-Author Page), I love to create delicious one-of-a-kind recipes in the kitchen that might become a cookbook in the future, ultimately my passion is creating; albeit novels, short stories, recipes/canning, poetry, and inspirational quotes the purpose is to scatter seeds of kindness in hopes that others may find joy in my written words or recipes. Life's journey is a meandering route, to stay grounded remember…laughter is the key to longevity. ©2024 Lindsey Lavon